November Non-Profit Grants & Opportunities

The City of Chicago, nonprofit organizations, and private organizations are accepting grant applications from businesses and nonprofits. 如果您有兴趣发展您的业务,请查看下面的一些机会并开放赠款资金.

The City of Chicago Nonprofit Capacity Building Program

芝加哥商业事务和消费者保护部门(BACP)启动了芝加哥市非营利能力建设计划(NCBP)。. 该项目旨在为芝加哥地区的非营利组织提供精心策划的指导和教育项目,以支持非营利组织获得资金, funding, and other resources to counteract the effects of the pandemic. 

  • Workshops: Held weekly, 研讨会提供了一个与同行和主题专家联系的机会,讨论具体的组织挑战.

    • Upcoming events: 

      • Contract Execution 

        • Wednesday, November 8th @ 11:00 AM (hosted by WBDC) 

        • Wednesday, November 29th @ 11:00 AM  (hosted by WBDC) 

      • Vouchering 

        • Wednesday, November 15th @ 11:00 AM (hosted by WBDC)  

  • 一对一的咨询:一对一的会议与主题专家谁可以帮助您具体的拨款申请问题. 

For support registering for these opportunities using the Nonprofit Capacity Building Intake Form, please contact Nonprofit Capacity Building Coordinator, Julia Riley, at



BoardLead is the signature program of Cause Strategy Partners. 他们的网络旨在帮助您的组织结识有才华的董事会成员,他们热衷于帮助您推进使命,同时还能获得治理资源——所有这些对非营利组织来说都是免费的. 通过在BoardLead平台上创建引人注目的董事会成员招聘简介,减少董事会开发过程中的摩擦. 向公司和潜在的董事会候选人展示你的非营利组织,以吸引你所寻找的人才的多样性和深度. Experience a faster and easier way to attract and elect exceptional new board members. They vet potential board members for cause alignment and readiness to serve, and train them for effective board service. They also vet the companies candidates work for to ensure values and mission alignment.

For more information and to apply for the BoardLead network: 

Capital One Café – Southport 

Capital One Café has meeting rooms available for nonprofits to book, free of charge. 您可以直接通过LiquidSpace门户网站预订这个专门为非营利组织和学生团体提供的免费会议空间. The room itself fits up to eight people. 

To reserve this space, please follow this link: 


Forefront is Illinois’ statewide association representing both grantmakers and nonprofits, as well as their advisors and allies. Their mission is to build a vibrant social impact sector for all the people of Illinois. They provide education, advocacy, thought leadership, 并促进围绕对其成员和行业重要的问题采取集体行动. For a full calendar of Forefront events: 

Upcoming November free events: 

  • 11月7日(星期二)上午9:00 - 10:30

    • Join the November convening of the Philanthropy Club of Illinois. Panelists will share stories, interesting ideas and strategies, wise counsel from donors, and engage the on-line participants in what we trust will be a productive conversation. We’ll discuss some differences between annual and major gifts, common stages of the fundraising process and engagement, 给参与者留一些时间,让他们反思自己组织内的机会. Our hope is to help you strategically grow your giving now and in the future.

For details and registration: 

  • 非营利组织执行董事圆桌会议(网络研讨会)- 11月14日星期二下午12:00 - 1:30

    • Join us for an intimate gathering of nonprofit executive directors, 参加由费利西亚·休斯顿主持的一场富有洞察力的私人谈话, a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Human Development Counseling. She is the current Community Relations Specialist for Ingalls Behavioral Health Services. 她有独特的技巧,可以就心理健康以及领导如何影响我们进行有见地的对话.

This webinar is open to CEOs and Executive Directors at nonprofit organizations only.

For details and registration: 

  • Introduction to Prospect Research: Individual Donors (Webinar) – Tuesday, November 14th @ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 

    • 本次研讨会将深入研究个人捐赠者的可用数据库,并学习与潜在潜在捐赠者联系的内部技巧. This workshop is ideal for nonprofit professionals conducting fundraising or prospect research.

There will be time for Q & A with Forefront Librarians.

For details and registration: 

  • Public Policy Thursdays: Advocacy 101 for Nonprofits (Webinar) – Thursday, November 16th @ 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM 

    • 加入最前沿的政策团队,参加这个免费的年度活动,了解更多关于参与公共政策和倡导等的规则!

Any nonprofit stakeholder, including staff, board members, volunteers, 和客户被邀请参加这个免费的年度活动,加入我们的政策团队,了解更多参与公共政策和倡导我们行业的规则, when lobbyist registration is required, and how to get more involved at the federal state, and local levels.

Q&A will be available at the event.

For details and registration: 

Join the Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce! Future Members Open House – November 14th @ 4PM

Thinking about Chamber membership? Ready to rejoin? Join the Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce in 2024 as we embark on a great new year! 11月14日下午4点至6点,在1409 W Addison的商会办公室,我们的未来会员开放日将更好地了解商会. 

Register Here:

This event is for business that are not members yet. If you have any questions please reach out to Erik Carlson (   


Allstate Foundation Nonprofit Leadership Center, Nonprofit Management Essentials 

This program was developed for emerging nonprofit leaders and those new to the sector. 内容的目的是在一个灵活的管理主题的广度扩大认识, online offering. 向教师和从业者学习,并将这些非营利性管理要点应用到你的职位上. 非营利组织管理要点由好事达基金会全额资助,并由凯洛格商学院非营利组织管理中心的内容提供支持.

Tween Esteem Project 

Following a successful pilot, 青少年自尊项目正在发展成为一个队列(小组)模式,包括芝加哥11-13岁的免费教育和文化体验. 

我们正在与当地的青少年服务组织合作,以混合形式提供自尊提升课程(每月只有1-2小时),为期六个月,直到青少年的豪华肖像拍摄. There is no cost to families to apply or participate.

Apply for The Tween Esteem Project 


Awesome Foundation 

Application Deadline: Rolling

Awesome基金会是一个不断发展的全球社区,致力于转发宇宙中Awesome的兴趣. Created in the long hot summer days of 2009 in Boston, the Foundation distributes $1,000 grants, no strings attached, to projects and their creators. At each fully autonomous chapter, 这笔钱是由10个左右自组织的“微型受托人”的金库汇集而成,并以现金形式预付, check, or gold doubloons. 


Clean Energy to Communities Program 

Application Deadline: Rolling 

C2C connects local governments, tribes, electric utilities, and community-based organizations with national laboratory experts and customized, 先进的分析,以实现清洁能源系统,反映当地和区域的优先事项. 

Flexible Funding Program 

Full Application: Dependent on flexible funding type

如果没有社区组织的领导,就不可能实现对社区的公平投资. 这意味着这些组织需要获得的资金只关注于组织的状态,而不是它的项目和计划. 灵活资金计划向黑人和拉丁裔社区的组织提供三种不同类型的“灵活”美元.

To receive Flexible Funding support, the organization must be Black or Latinx-led, and its work must align with the Trust’s Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment strategy. 

Illinois Art Council Agency - Artstour & Live Music 

Application Deadline: Rolling 

Artstour & 现场音乐为符合条件的伊利诺伊州非营利组织提供支持,以展示伊利诺伊州的表演艺术家, companies, or groups for performances, collaborations, or short residencies held in conjunction with performances. 本计划不能用于支持已经获得演讲者学科项目资助的组织的常规系列活动.,as%20identified%20in%20the%20application


Holiday Venues and Happenings:


Thanksgiving Feasting Without the Fuss